
Saturday, February 24, 2024

February 24th

Reading & Writing: 

We continued to explore folktales, including The Foxy Garden. Students are practicing the skills of making connections, comparing points of view, recounting stories, and determining their central message, lesson, or moral.

During writing, students started writing their fictional narrative stories. We are making sure we include dialogue along with key story elements in our stories.


This week we worked on adding and subtracting 3 digit numbers in word problems. We also learned about subtracting across zeros.

Social Studies:

We continued our geography unit by having students each select a form of transportation they were interested in learning more about. The children used Pebble Go on their iPads to research facts about the type of transportation, including what it can carry, advantages, and disadvantages of that type of transportation. Students then taught each other about what they learned. We also learned about different types of communication.

Friday, February 16, 2024

February 16th

Reading & Writing: 

We continued to explore folktales, including The Huemul Egg and The Foxy Garden. Students are practicing the skills of making connections, comparing points of view, recounting stories, and determining their central message, lesson, or moral.

During writing, students finished planning out their narrative fiction stories. They worked to develop a plot that has a sequence of events and brainstorm what their characters will be thinking, doing, and feeling throughout the story.


This week we worked on subtracting 3-digit numbers. We solved problems that involved regrouping, and we learned different ways to show our thinking.

Social Studies:

We continued our geography unit by having students each select a continent they were interested in learning more about. The children used Pebble Go on their iPads to research facts about the continent, including the landforms, animals, and climate. Students then taught each other about what they learned. We also began taking a closer look at our state and explored the different regions of Missouri and St. Louis.

Valentine’s Day Fun 

Buddy Activity

Global Day of Play

Friday, February 9, 2024

February 9th

Reading & Writing: 

In our current unit, students will read folktales in a range of styles from diverse cultures, written by authors from those cultures. Some of our focuses included: making connections, asking and answering questions to demonstrate understanding of key details,recounting stories, and determining their central message, lesson, or moral. Our phonics lessons were about: Vowel Teams /oo/ Syllable Patterns (oo, ui, ew, ue, u, ou, oe, u_e)

During writing, we began the brainstorming process for our upcoming narrative fiction piece. Each student selected the theme of their story and began thinking about possible characters and settings.


This week we worked on adding 3-digit numbers. We solved problems that involved regrouping, and we learned different ways to show our thinking.


Social Studies:

We had a wonderful time at our second grade Native American Regions Museum! We traveled to the different classrooms to continue our learning and to view the dioramas that our other second grade classes created.

Our next unit is all about geography. We have been learning about the seven continents and the oceans. Each student selected a continent and used PebbleGo to help create a poster to teach about it. Then at the end of the week the students shared their learning with their classmates.