Friday, December 20, 2024
Sunday, December 15, 2024
December 15th
Reading: In reading, we read the story, “Stone Soup”. We practiced identifying the key events of the beginning, middle, and end of the folktale. We also worked on naming the lesson that was learned, and examining the different points of view of the characters. In addition, we reviewed character traits while reading Little Bear and the Golds. In phonics we studied words with r-controlled vowels that make the sound “ear”, including eer, ear, and ere.
Writing: In writing, we planned for our fictional diary entry. Students are writing their diary entries from the point of view of a villager in the story “Stone Soup”. We recorded the words, actions, thoughts, and feelings of the villagers during the beginning, middle, and end of the folktale in a graphic organizer. Next, we wrote our drafts of our diary entries.
Math: We wrapped up our unit on telling time this week by continuing to practice telling time to the nearest five minutes, as well as knowing the difference between A.M. and P.M. Then, we reviewed all of Unit 2 and took our end of unit test.
Social Studies/Science: This week we learned about seed dispersal. Students found out that seeds can travel by wind, water, and animals. We made models of different types of seeds to see how well their design helps them disperse.
Sunday, December 8, 2024
December 8th
Writing: In writing we learned about the 5 parts of a friendly letter (heading, greeting, body, closing, and signature). We practiced writing several friendly letters. In phonics we studied words that have r-controlled vowels, such as or, oar, and ore.
Science: We continued our seed unit. We made our first observations of our plants to see what we observed after 8 days. We looked at what plant parts, if any, grew. Then we observed the color of those parts, and we measured any growth’s height in centimeters. We also learned about the parts of a plant. We discussed a little bit about different animals and plants that are in the habitats around our school.
Reading: In reading this week we started our new unit called “Many Characters, Many Points of view.” In this unit we have read two stories. We read “The Blind Men and the Elephant” and “How the Beetle Got it’s Gorgeous Coat.” We discussed the structure of the stories, created mental images to help us better understand the story, and determined the central message, lesson or moral of the story.