
Friday, August 30, 2024

August 31st

Reading: We have been learning about how to annotate a text by underling key details. We read the book Postcard Clues and a poem called “Foreign Lands” to practice this skill. Turn and talk discussions with our partners have also been a big focus this week. We listened to other good read alouds, including Have You Filled a Bucket Today?, Miss Smith's Incredible Storybook, and I Like Myself. During phonics time, we have been practicing reading and writing words that use blends and digraphs. Finally, we have been learning how to pick out books that are “just right” to help build our reading stamina.

Writing: Our shared writing lessons have been in connection with the reading we have been doing. After reading a story, we took time to write our thoughts about the book in our reading journals. We also practiced using our personal dictionaries to help with spelling tricky words.

Social Emotional Learning: Our lessons this week focused on: Being Respectful, Focusing Attention and Listening, Using Self Talk, and Being Assertive. With each lesson we play a Brain Builder Game, have a meaningful class discussion, and enjoy read alouds or acting out different scenarios.

Math: The first few math lessons have been a review of different addition strategies. Some of the strategies we reviewed were: making a ten, using number lines, and using doubles facts. The students have been practicing their fact fluency using the XtraMath app on their iPads, and they enjoyed playing a few math partner games.

Classroom Community Building: Our class signed up to help out with the morning announcements. The students collaborated in groups to create material to share with our school. The students came up with jokes, book reviews, a kindness challenge, fun facts, and makerspace creations. They all did a great job!

We also enjoyed continuing to get to know a few more of our classmates by hearing about what they brought in their “All About Me Bags.”

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