
Friday, February 16, 2024

February 16th

Reading & Writing: 

We continued to explore folktales, including The Huemul Egg and The Foxy Garden. Students are practicing the skills of making connections, comparing points of view, recounting stories, and determining their central message, lesson, or moral.

During writing, students finished planning out their narrative fiction stories. They worked to develop a plot that has a sequence of events and brainstorm what their characters will be thinking, doing, and feeling throughout the story.


This week we worked on subtracting 3-digit numbers. We solved problems that involved regrouping, and we learned different ways to show our thinking.

Social Studies:

We continued our geography unit by having students each select a continent they were interested in learning more about. The children used Pebble Go on their iPads to research facts about the continent, including the landforms, animals, and climate. Students then taught each other about what they learned. We also began taking a closer look at our state and explored the different regions of Missouri and St. Louis.

Valentine’s Day Fun 

Buddy Activity

Global Day of Play

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