
Friday, January 24, 2025

January 25th

Reading: This week we have focused on finding the main topic of a whole passage and the individual sub topics/ paragraphs.  For this, we have been highlighting the key details that support those main ideas.  Another topic has been finding the problem and solution within a nonfiction piece.  We have read passages about satellites, Thomas Edison, and George Washington Carver.

Our phonics lessons specifically focused on words with the oi and oy pattern (coin, boy)

Writing: This week students have been writing about which type of animal they think makes the best pet. They have written and introduction paragraph, a body paragraph complete with reasons and examples, and a conclusion paragraph. Next week we will revise, edit, and publish these pieces of writing.  

Math: We finished up our place value lessons, and now we are using place value to compare three digit numbers. We are also learning how to continue 3-digit number patterns when counting by five, ten, or one hundred.

Social Studies: In Economics this week we have been learning via. Junior Achievement lessons.  In these lessons we have been learning about communities and exploring jobs that make up a community.  We have looked at many jobs and seen what education that role requires and what skills and interests you would need to have for it.  We then learned about a production line through an activity making “pizza”.  Students were placed into groups and had to complete pizza orders with their group members with accuracy. It was a hit and we learned how to work as a team efficiently.

Friday, January 17, 2025

January 17th

Reading: We read A Woman With A Vision which was all about the inventor of windshield wipers. We practiced identifying the main idea and supporting details of that story. We also read an article called A Lucky Accident, and with this story we practiced giving strong retellings while sequencing strong supporting details. 

Our phonics lessons specifically focused on words with VCe and Consonant-le syllables.

Writing: We began our week with an indoor snowball fight! The students had fun writing about different things they have been up to and then throwing their ideas around the classroom to their classmates. Next up, we wrote about some of our goals for the new year. They are on display in the hallway, and they turned out so cute!

Each student chose an invention that they thought was helpful. Next they used a graphic organizer, and then they wrote an opinion piece in which they gave their opinion along with supporting details. 

Math: Place value of three digit numbers has been our focus. We have learned how to represent three digit numbers using base ten blocks, place value charts, expanded form, and standard form. 

Social Studies/Science: Economics is the unit we are studying, and we have enjoyed learning about producers and consumers during our pretend shopping trips. We also learned the difference between needs and wants. Most recently we learned about different goods and services that are provided. Getting to virtually see the inside of a crayon factory was a huge hit!