
Friday, January 24, 2025

January 25th

Reading: This week we have focused on finding the main topic of a whole passage and the individual sub topics/ paragraphs.  For this, we have been highlighting the key details that support those main ideas.  Another topic has been finding the problem and solution within a nonfiction piece.  We have read passages about satellites, Thomas Edison, and George Washington Carver.

Our phonics lessons specifically focused on words with the oi and oy pattern (coin, boy)

Writing: This week students have been writing about which type of animal they think makes the best pet. They have written and introduction paragraph, a body paragraph complete with reasons and examples, and a conclusion paragraph. Next week we will revise, edit, and publish these pieces of writing.  

Math: We finished up our place value lessons, and now we are using place value to compare three digit numbers. We are also learning how to continue 3-digit number patterns when counting by five, ten, or one hundred.

Social Studies: In Economics this week we have been learning via. Junior Achievement lessons.  In these lessons we have been learning about communities and exploring jobs that make up a community.  We have looked at many jobs and seen what education that role requires and what skills and interests you would need to have for it.  We then learned about a production line through an activity making “pizza”.  Students were placed into groups and had to complete pizza orders with their group members with accuracy. It was a hit and we learned how to work as a team efficiently.

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