Reading: Our focus text for this week was titled, Emperor Penguin Habitat.” A few skills that we worked on this week include: asking questions, creating mental images, and rereading to clarify or confirm our understanding. Our phonics lessons worked on the following skills: short vowels, initial and final blends, and consonant digraphs.
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Writing: We began learning how to write to a text based prompt. We learned about how to research and take notes to write an informative essay. We gathered our information from both the passage we read during reading time titled, Emperor Penguin Habitat and a video about emperor penguins, as well. This week we also began learning how to type using our keyboards.
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Math: Our class has been focusing on finding efficient strategies to solve both addition and subtraction problems. We’ve been working on using number bonds, open number lines, and count on / count back strategies. If your child would like to practice their math facts at home, they can use the information found in their green take home folder to login on
Social Emotional Learning: This week our main topics were showing compassion and predicting feelings.
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