
Friday, September 27, 2024

September 27th

Reading: Our focus text in our reading magazine for this week was titled, “Filiberto in the Valley”. We used this story to continue our practice of retelling key details, determining the story elements, and clarifying the meaning of unknown words. We also read Chrysthanthemum to continue using context clues to help with new vocabulary words. Our phonics lessons this week were all about the various spelling patterns for the long a sound.


Writing: We continued working on writing our informational writing piece. Students have completed their introductions, two body paragraphs, and a conclusion. We wrapped up the week by learning how to revise our writing to make it stronger. We learned about adjectives and then worked to add adjectives to our draft to make it more descriptive. 

Math: This week we learned how to read picture graphs and bar graphs. Students also practiced being able to answer a variety of questions from looking at the data in the graphs. Finally, we have been learning how to make the graphs from data in a tally table.

Science: Students conducted an experiment to observe the various properties of a group of materials. They recorded their observations about color, shape, texture, and flexibility. Then we learned how engineers could combine the materials together to create a pencil. Finally, students practiced how to make a scientific drawing with labels.

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